The Key: Providing a proper forum to confront one's accuser in.
The potential danger of
FLAMMING is so great to the victim, FSORG has decided to provide a vehicle that alleged victims may use to do just that which may serve them best: confront their accuser at a minimum of risk. FSORG is of the belief that the Internet would be a far, far better place, were it not for seamy publicity efforts that
leverage the 1st Amendment for the purposes in engaging in personal or business anti-competition and cyber-harassment or cyber-terrorism. We have all seen that the public's opinion carry's little weight at newspapers, limited to email feedback to editors, news is not generally invited from an unsolicited public. Only if it happens to sensationalize, and counterargument for previously published stories is simply ignored by most. This makes it very easy for the dominant players in any market, being held accountable to no one but themselves, to abuse their position in the spotlight, using that privilege to engage in Flame Spam, or to influence a member of the press to do so for them. And in some cases, FLAME SPAM Extortion is the name of the game, resembling the ancient labor racketeering adage: "pay us, or you'll have trouble with your labor unions." In fact, Flame Spam has apparently now become a "fashionable extortionist art" among those who use the Internet to engage in Cyber Harassment for money, with prices of anywhere from $50,000 to 10,000,000 being asked of alleged victims by alleged perpetrators of FLAMMING "to go away", that is, to cease the attack. The problem has become pandemic, hence the need for a public means to confront perpetrators as proposed here by FSORG. Flame Spam is more completely defined below. However, we have recently updated the definition to include ACTIVE FLAM, which will be added to the definition in the short term (included in ACTIVE FLAM is the notion of engaging in business activities intended to either draw someone into something that one can then Flame Spam, or the engaging in continuous Fraud Attempts to cause harm, transactions that overwhelm a merchant, and busy out eCommerce Systems and undermine eCommerce Merchants. Such is usually followed by or accompanied by Flame Spamming that directly leverages the consequences of the ongoing attempted Frauds. We have classified a certain number of methods other than just these Website Flame Haven Spams and like methods, as being used by Cyber Terrorists with an agenda aimed at cyber-undermining and psychological harassment cyber terrorism). Eventually, FSORG will publish a "TOP 100 FLAMMING CYBER TERRORISTS" SUB LIST. Inevitably we expect that there will be people who revel at being named to the list and at being on the Most Notorious sub list. And, FSORG is going to hold no bars, while we respect the law, we are going to report that which is reported on to us without reservation or judgment, just a keen eye as to what appears accurate and what does not. NOTE: All content we publish has been presented us by third parties and the Internet and we are solely reliant upon those sources for the information we add to the FSORG LIST. We depend not on our own information gathering, but publish the information provided by others, using journalistic analysis to attempt and determine where it can be, that information that is presented us is reasonably accurate as to journalistic standards of accuracy. |
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