NOTICES (read first): |
LIST OF URL(s), (KEYS) to site
& documentary links. |
AntiSemitic Propaganda Hate Site *bo, hs,
For a full
list of Islamist Sites
like this one: CLICK HERE > |
Hosted by UUNET (MCI) for CIS,
to a phony name:
Abu Al-Sous. Traced to former
CIA Officer, who
was terminated for accepting
money from
Chevron's attorneys. |
ENT: 08/01/2005 |
Vicious anti-semitic hate crime site, this page is hosted by
WORLDWIDEDNS.NET and has incorporate
fundraising for activities of HAMAS
HAMAS has been behind over 1/2 of the suicide bombings committed by
Palestinian and Syrian personnel"
attacking Israeli civilians on buses, in
cafes and at
various other locations, ranging in age from children to the elderly.
Israel has lost tens of thousands of
civilian population to such attacks in
the past decade.
This site is likely a front for stirring up confrontations between Arabic
and Jewish people funded by one of
Chevron's owners, who lives in NYC.
(hs, sl, pa, bc, in), "The Millennium Project" |
Peter Bowditch
(Gebesse Holdings)
ENT: 01/15/2002
UPD: 03/15/2003 |
In the words of the complaining party: Is devoted to assaulting and slandering the reputation of third parties, site is filled with inflammatory defamation and self complimenting. Allegedly a "for hire" corporate type, receives "donations" by Pay Pal, according to his website. Completely ignores any factual allegations or threats of lawsuit.
Individual appears to be a member of
International Nazi Party, headquartered
in Berlin, Germany, with branches all
the world. Included among its
activites are and
WorldwideWhitePride, Nazi Front groups
on the web.
(hs, sl, fp, pr), "Home of Glenn Campbell and Family", "Area 51 Bookstore", "Aliens on Earth", "the Mothership", |
Glenn Campbell
rachel campbell
donald emory (landmark)
Area 51 Research Center
PO Box 30303
Las Vegas, NV 89173-0303
ENT: 01/01/2002
UPD: 06/01/2003 |
In the words of the complaining party: Is devoted to slandering the reputation of third parties in the name of UFO research, filled with inflammatory defamation and self taken. Uses Flame Spam to attract sympathetic miscreants to populate his databases with, so as to increase traffic to his bookstore which includes topical books about aliens and related subject matter, a Flame Spamming parasite.
(bc, hs, ca, fp, sl, hs, pa, vo, or, fr) and "White Pride Worldwide"
Don Black
Ryan Wilson
Mark Thomas
David Dukes (KKK)
Stormfront, PO Box 6637,
West Palm Beach, FL 33405
(click here for a list of affiliated websites) NOTE:
ENT: 01/01/2000
UPD: 06/25/2003 |
In the words of the complaining party: Is a blatant pro NAZI-ism, Anti-Semitic, openly Racist, White Supremacist BIAS CRIME and HATE Home site filled with Hatred, AntiSemitism, Nazi Memorabilia, White Supremacism and Racism, weak/false self-justification, nauseating stupidity of the highest order, fascist insanity at it's worst. This central organization of the American Nazi Affiliated Supremacist Parties has members who have been involved in
violence towards Jews, blacks, and other minorities, allegedly to earn "merit badges" within the main organization, typified by a spider web tattoo between their thumb and forefingers, and black tear drops on their eyes and in other locations on their person. WARNING: members of this cult like political racism group are prone to violence, please use caution when interacting with them.
(hs, sl, pa, ca, fp, bc, ow, ls, fj), "Service Bits"
Michael Ranney
(at florida state university)
Talahassee, Fla
purportedly at UC Berkley today.
ENT: 04/01/2002 |
In the words of the complaining party: Created aliases for this site and housed extortive defamation sites while making monetary demands on public figure(s). Threats included death, extortion, use of pornographic images, NAZI memorabilia, psychological harassment. Was sued, lost lawsuit. Allegedly involved with Landmark Education Corporation. Purportedly resurfaced on member site. Domain name used for impersonation, transferred to victim by Court Order.
(hs, sl, pa, ow, pr, ca, mf, fp, vo, bc, or, ls, fj),
"Lan Lamphere" "The Edge"
Lan Lamphere
(Norman, Ok), 1-866-527-EDGE (3343)
Chuck VanVleck, Melisa Lamphere, Taira McKenzie, Jenn "Zipper',
ENT: 03/01/1998
UPD: 06/15/2003 |
In the words of the complaining party:This person is very taken with himself, loves the sound of his own voice and to read his critical pen attacks on others, he created a site to attack a particular individual, made extortive monetary demands, engaged in millions of spam emails, lost lawsuit, judgment awarded against Lamphere for $460,000 to one party Lamphere defrauded and FLAM assaulted from NJ. Took his anger out on the UFO community in an emailing campaign. Punctuates
his FLAMs with religious bias hate speech. Allegedly affiliated with supremacist organizations, and alleged friend of terrorist Tim McVeigh. Purportedly raises money through drugs. UPDATE: allegedly operating a radio station talk show on nighttime on a tiny radio station and operating web bulletin board on which Lamphere continues his unexplained Flame Spam attack on public figures. Alleged organized crime and supremacist backing. Appears to be a "ride along" intended to inject hidden agenda into the subject of his
obtuse public attacks, using his radio pulpit as an amplifying megaphone so no one can counter his FLAM. Allegedly involved with Landmark Education Corporation.
(hs, sl, pa, pr, bc)
"Sightings on the Radio" and "Rense"
Jeff Rense
a/k/a "Riff Rense"
James Neff, Todd Brendan
Fahey Fontaine, Andrea Lea
ENT: 06/01/2003 |
In the words of the complaining party: Owner operator of "sightings on the radio" web radio talk show publishes allegedly propagandist site aimed at allegedly undermining various public figures and individuals targeted by his agenda. Website includes anti-semitic content, reversal content intended to flash back upon those whose political opinion he purports to support, and outright attacks on public figures using gobbledeegook attributed to conveniently sprouted third party
authors, some of who become talk show guests on his web radio program. Also allegedly stages call-in attacks on public figures by inviting them on his show, and then cutting off their mike, while allowing a public caller to harass and humiliate the guest live on his radio show. Classic multimedia flame spammer.
(hs, sl, pa, fp, bc, in), "Reverse Speech"
David John Oates
"jack", "terese", "jeff"
P.O. Box 678, Noarlunga Center. S.A. 5168. Australia , Phone: (61) 8 8382-4372
ENT: 4/15/2003 |
In the words of the complaining party: Claims that by back sampling speech allegedly using his reverse speech processing machines, can reveal hidden truths in the continuous lies of humanity's speech. Cleverly, his machines are under his own control, he is free to assemble as much libel and slander as he chooses and then attribute it all supposedly to his alleged "reverse speech analysis" technique, giving him an instant pseudo scientific means to attack any public figure in
any factual or non-factual manner of his choosing, just by making up reverse speech interpretations that fit a particular Flame Spam he elects to initiate. Alleged to have set fire to his own home and then run about claiming his life was being threatened. Always seems to interpret routine speech by any public figure to include "back tracking" that refers back to issues wherein the person being targeted is supposedly admitting to whatever it is that the then opposition or opposing political party is attacking
said party over. For example, when Bill Clinton was being analyzed, his reverse speech, according to Oates, admitted to affairs with certain women.
(hs, sl, vo), "Zeta Talk"
the emissary
ENT: 6/22/2003 |
In the words of the complaining party: An obscure site publishes a number of baseless attacks on public figures, knowing they are inaccurate. Probable
Landmark Education Corporation involvement is assumed as so much of the language of this website is in Landmark's "internal" jargon tongue. Operator has
some pretty strange beliefs about the world coming to an end, and the government trying to stop her from telling every body, says she is an emissary for Alien
Zetans from Planet X and
that she speaks on their behalf...
| (co-conspirator)
(hs, sl, pa, pr, fp, vo, fd)
"Plesman Publications" |
"Tom Watson"
Howard Solomon, Joe Tersigni, shane schick
Plesman Publications
Transcontinental Media Inc.
Transcontinental ITBusiness Group
25 Sheppard Avenue W, Suite 200
Toronto, On M2N6S7
Ca Tel:416-733-7600
other email addy's too
numerous to include here.
ENT: ongoing |
In the words of the complaining party: Owner/operator using "Tom Watson" frequently publishes slanderous attacks on domestic persons, often obtains republication in co-conspirator: (G&T is OWNED BY BELL CANADA) has been tied to the marketing activities of IBM CORP Canada, and of certain Nevada OC and Gaming Interests, to Canadian Russian Mob and Racism Hate Sites in Canada, including anti-Zionist sites. Landmark
Education Corp. involvement. There is a probable mix of active persons involved in Flame Spam, and other business persons involved with IBM and Bell Canada. Significant presence of KPMG (the Accounting Company) found here.
(hs, bc, sl, pa, ca, or, fr, fd, in, ls, pr)
"HAMAS" and "Palestinian Information"
Sheikh Ahmed Yassin
(Hamas Founder)
Nizar Al Hussein,Yassir Arafat
(El fata Leader) and a cast of ten thousand former military and their descendents from the Transjordanian Army of Lawrence of Arabia.
Palestinian Information Center
Beirut, NA 11121
LB (Lebanon)
ENT: 1/1/2003 |
In the words of the complaining party: "Represents the pathological dishonesty of the Jordanians who today call themselves Palestinians. Originally among the soldiers of Tel Lawrence of Arabia, these people became outcasts, until Israel attempted to provide them a homeland on the abandoned Gaza Strip and West Bank cities of the British "partitioned lands". These people were not from Gaza or the West Bank, but they were given lands abandoned by Arabs when Syria, Jordan,
Lebanon and Egypt repeatedly invaded Israel between 1947 and 1958. They responded by engaging in a 50 year long war of terrorism against the land of Israel, trying to drive it into the sea. Viciously anti-Semitic, and absurdly stupid in their violence, the owner operators of this site have training formerly with the KGB. Intent upon preventing the residents of Gaza and the West Bank from ever attaining Peace with Israel, responsible for thousands of suicide bombing, hijacking and firearms terrorism assaults on
Israel over the years. When Israel responds by militarily defending itself, they turn it around and try to call Israel an "occupying army". Their sites are entirely propagandist BS, filled with fake pictures, phony stories, and acts of intentional omission and misrepresentation of the fact. Typical of their Jordanian/Saudi Bedouin history, these are pure lunatics, they try to organize Peace Movements in the USA against Israel and the US Government, so as to raise money they send to the middle
east to fund Terrorism... The are a lunatic fringe gotten control of a middle eastern conflict. These perpetrators are typical pathological liars and vicious murderers, the worst the Middle East has to offer, no nation wants them within their borders anywhere in the world. Allied with Al Qaeda, Al Aqsa, Hizbollah and the Intafada. WARNING: ACTUAL INTERNATIONAL TERRORISTS, not just Flame Spammers. Assume that these perpetrators are armed AND dangerous. They have no clue the damage they've done the Arabic
World these past four decades, trust me I KNOW. These HAMAS idiots are threatening to BRING ON THE APOCOLYPSE, in fact they regularly publish bulletins 'the Apocolypse, soon!' "
and dozens of other sites...
(sl, hs, pa, ca, cc, fp, vo, fr, fd, in, ls, fj)
"Est", "The Forum", "Landmark Education", aka: "the Lunatic Asylum Takes Over Planet Earth..." |
Jack Rosenberg
Harry Rosenberg, Laural Sheaf
Randy McNamara, Joan Holmes
Jewel Rubin
Landmark Education
353 Sacramento St., Ste. 200
San Francisco, CA 94111
Phone: 1-415-981-8850
Fax: 1-415-616-2411
ongoing |
In the words of the complaining party: "Evil Personified Warning: Network-style Organization, capable of punching you from angles you would not suspect. All of the testimonials found on the internet were organized by Landmark. Sells absolutely nothing at all for lots and lots of money. Delivers absolutely nothing at all for lots and lots of money. Is known to loot the assets of their participants by misdirection, and organized
criminal misconduct. Allegations that individuals become more effective in life through their programs are intentionally misleading and intentionally incorrect. Claims about it being about "possibility" refers only to recognizing any means as being justified by the ends, a theorem commonplace in Soviet Russia during the COLD WAR. The ultimate point of their training program 'What is is, what isn't isn't' about 'the being of Human Being' - is solipsistic lunacy constructed to confuse the average brain. This
organization constantly refreshes and reinvents itself at the expense of the public, by design. ABSOLUTELY NO INTEGRITY, SO EXPECT NONE, JUST A LOT OF TALK DESIGNED TO DISGUISE THE TRUE INTENTIONS AND PURPOSES OF THIS ORGANIZATION. Organizes charities that divert money into financial startup businesses which launder the money into movie productions. Exists in a perpetual state of tax and business fraud, commingling of funds, and criminal money schemes. Uses any conceivable exercise in manipulation to
it's own advantage. Known to NEVER pay their bills for services or merchandise. An organization whose "volunteers" and staff cooperate to create network "tendrils" that reach into about everywhere in our society. Organized Crime activity is prevalent. Teaches Human Management techniques that border on BDSM, employs "covert coaching" and "string pulling" mentalist strategies, works for several major clients in the high tech and finance industries, uses websites to recruit and bully. Once created a
project "Subway" to clean up NYC subways, which later became a project to build the Subway Sandwich chain. Extensive use of encoded language present. Extensive involvement in Hollywood business money laundering, international money laundering for narcotics and munitions dealers. Very good at creating deceptive businesses which, on the one hand appear to be doing one thing, while sheltering a film production team on the other at the expense of the first. Endless adherents, recruits one hundred thousand new
"trainees" every year. Engaged in Labor Racketeering, Bunko, Corruption of Public Officials, and extortion, very dangerous Next Generation variation, spin-off of the Church of Scientology, without the Church (not meant to be a comment about Scientology). Note that about any business relationship with these individuals could result in economic damage or destruction of your business, economic damage and/or destruction of your personal reputation, interference in your family and with your marriage, cross recruitment
of your family and friends, undermining of parental child relationships and intellectual reprogramming. Use maximum caution, Landmark is about as dangerous as a passel of cornered porcupines when confronted. Handle with care. Have no dealings. Leadership are all actors and phonies. Founder was accused of sexual congress with his daughter on CBS television. Staff and Leaders have extremely odd mannerisms, backgrounds and are extraordinarily unaccomplished, extremely low average knowledge level among
those who are recruited. Cheap trickery abounds. Use caution due to Human Mental Management Techniques and Neuro-Linguistic Programming Language Methods at use... their objective is your to dominate you mentally and physically. Their programs hang a hodgepodge lodge of intriguing techniques adopted like so much pyrotechnical quackery intended to misdirect you from the true objective: getting control of you, leveraging your assets, dumping you on your weaknesses, and confusing you into speaking wild accolades about
THEM so as to help recruit more trainees, the raw material of their continuing racketeering enterprise.. Erhard's Web Bots have their hands in a large number of activities aimed at attacking particular 'enemies' using FLAMMING strategies."
flame spam dot org
 |
NOTE: due to continued efforts by victims to identify alleged flame-spam cyber terrorists (FLAMMERS), much of the above information about domains, may refer to domain names otherwise reassigned or transferred to new ownership, and there for should not be construed to refer to the present domain owner. We continue to report sites for the purposes of public education, as some of these individuals continue to slander and defame victims on new websites and may
adopt clever disguises to hide their purposes from detection. Key:
hs- Haven Spam, sl- slander/libel, pa- paid attacks, ow- off the web
pr- press, ca- criminal assaults, mf- mail flood, cc- covert combat,
fp- for profit business, vo- very obscure site
bc- bias crime/hate speech type site, or- open racism
fr- fund raiser, fd- fund diverter, in- indicted, ls- was sued, fj- lost suit
Please note: references above to "Landmark Education Corporation", does not mean to suggest that Landmark is responsible for the URL in question, it refers to the individual participating in so-called "Seminar Programs" maintained by same, a self-help group, which we have been advised by the submitter, may account for some of the reason behind similarity in more than one site engaging in FLAMMING due to the alleged overwhelming opportunity for intercommunication among parties within Landmark's seminar programs and related business affairs,
thereby masking what may be collusion among different Spammers. We note that there are probably other forums where similar such opportunities for so-called directed collusion exist.